PAMA Notes - January 2021
PAMA Webinar Presentations
PAMA Young Professionals is a Committee of PAMA which aims to increase and deepen both arts and health student and young professional engagement in performance arts medicine through a range of initiatives. We are promoting a new webinar series which aims to improve knowledge and provide education about Performing Arts Medicine (PAM), exploring how PAM concepts can be incorporated into music programs, how young professionals can get more involved in PAM, as well as research based webinars and journal clubs to support young professionals engaged in PAM research.

January 25, 2021 8:00 pm EST
'Inclusivity and Diversity in PAMA' with Jason Hu, MD followed by 'Introduction to PAMA and the Young Professionals'
This webinar is a max of one hour and is free of charge. Once registered, you will receive a link to participate in the webinar. All registrants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Click here to Register
February 22, 2021 8:00 pm EST
Meet and Greet with Melody Hrubes, MD
Registration for this webinar will be posted here once open. This webinar is a max of one hour. All registrants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Free to PAMA Member
$10 (USD) for Non-members
March 29, 2021 (Time TBA)
'Musculoskeletal and Neurological injuries in Performing Artists' with case studies - Janice Ying, DPT
Registration for this webinar will be posted here once open. This webinar is a max of one hour. All registrants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Free to PAMA Member
$10 (USD) for Non-members
April 26, 2021 (Time TBA)
'How to get your abstract accepted' to include IRBs - Serap Bastepe-Gray, MD and the Research Committee
Registration for this webinar will be posted here once open. This webinar is a max of one hour. All registrants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Free to PAMA Member
$10 (USD) for Non-members
May 24, 2021 (Time TBA)
'Shoulder issues in Performing Artists' - Melody Hrubes, MD
Registration for this webinar will be posted here once open. This webinar is a max of one hour. All registrants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Free to PAMA Member
$10 (USD) for Non-members
Annual PAMA International Symposium Updates
Due to the continued uncertainty about the Covid-19 pandemic as well as vaccine availability, we are taking a different approach to the 2021 Symposium. We will be conducting the symposium as a “hybrid” conference with a live face-to-face component in New York at Weill Cornell for a limited number of the presentations and participants. The remainder of the presentations will be presented virtually via a robust online platform. Those presentations taking place live in New York will be live streamed to all symposium participants. The symposium will take place June 24 - 27, 2021.
A note to our submitting authors - we realize you are anxiously awaiting your notifications regarding the symposium. Because of the unique platform being created for 2021, we are delayed in sending notifications. We hope to have these out next week.
Learn more about the symposium
PAMA president Dr. Lucinda Halstead was invited to record a podcast session for the Medical University of South Carolina, Science Cafe Online. The podcast "What a Song and COVID-19 Have in Common: A Conversation with Dr. Lucinda A. Halstead" was released in December 2020.
Click here to view the podcast:
PAMA Members - Let us know your PAM-related activities to share with the membership to facilitate networking. We will be making announcements in each newsletter. Send your information to Dorry Allen at
Get Involved - Stay Informed!
PAMA Committees are off and running this year and the pandemic is not slowing them down! We have active committees in different areas and one is good for you and your interests! Reach out and find out what is going on and how you can become involved.
Contact Julie Massaro, Executive Director PAMA or the chair of the committee directly to see how you can become involved. Here are a few key groups you might be interested in joining.
Education Offerings - Melody Hrubes, MD
Professional Standards and Behavior - Jeff Russell, PhD
Membership Development and Young Professionals - Matt McCrary, PhD or John Chong, MD, FRCPC
Future Development - Malcolm Taw, MD