PAMA committees are a vital part of the backbone of the organization. We count on you! To volunteer for a committee, please contact Julie Massaro at
By-Laws – The task of the By-Laws committee is to evaluate the current By-Laws of the organization in keeping with PAMA's current strategies and organization and to propose such amendments that are deemed necessary to a meeting of the membership. The committee has the task of revising the Policies and Procedures in keeping with current practice. (Kathryn Ananda-Owens - Chair; George Shybut - Vice Chair)
Development – Developing strategy and execution plan for creating opportunities for legacy gifts and establishing fund development to ensure the future of the organization. (Malcolm Taw - Chair)
Education – It is the duty of the Committee to encourage education in the field of performing arts medicine. The committee shall make recommendations and report to the Board of Directors. (Melody Hrubes and Jayme Dowdal - Co-Chairs)
Executive – The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, the President-Elect, the most recent Past-President, and the Secretary/Treasurer, and the Executive Director as Ex-Officio member to advise and support the other members. Committee chairperson(s) as appropriate to the exigency may be asked to attend. The mandate of the committee shall be to take action in the circumstances where a special meeting of the Board is not warranted and /or feasible. Any action taken by this committee shall be subject to review by the Board, at its next meeting, but shall be nonetheless binding. (Lucinda Halstead- Chair)
American College of Sports Medicine - Clay Miller; Randy Dick; Julie Massaro
Athletes and the Arts - Clay Miller; Randy Dick; Julie Massaro
Entertainment Industry - Arts Production Entertainment - Julie Kirchen
International Association for Dance Medicine & Science - Jeff Russell
International - Boni Reitveld
Music Teachers National Association - Gail Berenson
National Association of Schools of Music - Clay Miller; Julie Massaro
National Athletic Trainers' Association - Jeff Russell
National Association of Teachers of Singing - Deanna McBroom
Long-range Planning – It is the responsibility of the Committee to review the long range plan and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. (Jason Hu - Chair)
Membership – Responsible for recruiting new PAMA members, welcoming new members and looking for opportunities to find ways to enrich membership in PAMA. (Matt McCrary- Chair)
Nominating – It is the responsibility of the Committee to prepare a slate of nominees for the positions of President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Directors to be presented to the membership in writing or by electronic mail, where the member has indicated a desire to receive electronic notification, thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the By-laws. (Marc Brodsky - Chair)
Referrals – To provide an international referral network of health professionals who have experience in helping performing artists meet their unique healthcare needs, optimize their state of health, and improve their quality of life. (TBD - Chair)
Research – Involved in keeping our online resources – primarily the bibliography up to date for all members. This group also is working on ways to help students and researchers improve their skills. (Serap Bestap-Gray - Chair)
Symposium – It is the duty of the Committee to plan and produce the scientific content, social program, registration, promotion and logistics of the Annual General Meeting and the annual Symposium on Medical Problems of Musicians and Dancers. The Committee shall coordinate the arrangements with the Executive Director. (Chandler Thomspon and Lauren Elson - Co-chairs)
Young Professionals – (Matt McCrary)
Historian – Susan Harman and William Dawson
Bibliography Curator – TBD