PAMA’s mission and activities address needs of a widening group of artistic organizations and populations, PAMA’s membership is derived from an increasingly diverse group of professions and specialties, both medical and artistic. Organizations with an interest in aspects of performing arts medicine continue to proliferate, both nationally and internationally. And as these organizations have come in contact with PAMA, they showed interest in PAMA, its philosophy and mission, and wished to collaborate with PAMA.
PAMA engages with these organizations providing mutual support and participation by:
- Linking web pages and promoting projects of respective organizations.
- Sharing articles for publication.
- Being cooperative partners in educational activities by providing expert speakers for affiliated organizations.
- Assisting national and regional meetings as possible. Inviting leader, as guests, of respective organizations to attend educational and business meetings to increase awareness of mission and activities and foster collaborative projects.
Organizations with an active affiliation with PAMA include:
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) - collaborate on the development of the initiative Athletes and the Arts to provide educational resources and wellness guidelines to athletes and performing artists via training courses and a website with resources:
National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) - collaborate on development of guidelines for administrators, faculty and students at schools of music to increase awareness of healthcare issues that may result in injury to musicians and to provide guidelines that will reduce injury. See guidelines developed as a collaborative effort on Hearing Health:
Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) - collaborate on proposals to conduct research on healthcare issues related to artistic performance of musicians. Visit