
Upcoming Events in Performing Arts Medicine


Event information comes directly from our members and from visitors to this site. If you have information about an event related to performing arts medicine, please use this form to submit it for review.

Date   Location   Event   Contact
November 4, 2019   Online   FREE Webinar - Treating the Triple Threat: Managing the Challenges of Singing, Dancing, and Acting
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December 31, 2019   Online   Abstract Submission Deadline for the 4th USF Performing Arts Medicine Conference
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March 27-29, 2020   Tampa, FL   4th USF Performing Arts Medicine Conference: Inspiring Health in the Arts
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June 18, 2020   New Orleans, LA   Essentials of Performing Arts Medicine Certificate Course (PAMA Symposium)
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June 19 - 22, 2020   New Orleans, LA   38th Annual PAMA International Symposium
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2021   New York, NY   39th Annual PAMA International Symposium    
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